
Large-screen LCD splicing system design standards and specifications

China Compulsory Certification Standards (3C)
" Civil electrical design specifications " (JGJ / T 16-92)
"Intelligent Building Design Standards " (GB/T50314-2000)
" Architectural design code for fire protection " (GBJ16-87 2001 edition of )
" Interior decoration of buildings for fire protection design " (GB50222-95)
"Electrical equipment installation OLED Module engineering construction and acceptance of electric lighting norms " (GB50259-92)
"Intelligent Building Engineering Quality Acceptance " (GB50339-2003)
"Electrical equipment installation engineering grounding device, construction and acceptance " (GB/T50169)
"Architecture Electrical Engineering Quality Acceptance " (GB50303-2002)
" Computer room design specifications " (GB50174-93)
" Computer room construction and acceptance " (SJ/T30003-93)
" TV receivers and cable distribution systems to ensure compatibility of the technical requirements " graphic lcd display module GB12323-90
" Unshielded twisted pair transmission system field test performance specifications " (EIA/TIATSB67)
" Television broadcast receivers measuring method " GB9372-88

