
In the coal industry the big screen display function then fight the system to achieve

Full-screen , high-resolution applications
As a unified whole wall can be a logical screen to display high-resolution image screen , full screen display and resolution overlay, such as ultra-high resolution display system diagram , words of welcome and so on OLED Display Module.
Multi-channel video signal display
Supports all standard video input signals , video surveillance information , cameras, video recorders , the size of DVD players, projectors and other types of physical color video signal source can access general multi -screen processor , the signal processed by the general picture , as a window anywhere in the projection display wall to zoom, move across the screen, and so on .
Network signal display
Through the network connection , the signal display more flexible and convenient, the image on a network computer anywhere on the big screen , quickly display any proportion ; various unlimited number of computer workstations , future expansion will be on the wall just a computer -linked display to the network can be.
RGB, the video signal through display
Through enlarged. This image processing card configuration display unit supports fully lossless display 1080p, 1080i, 720p , and other high-definition video signal formats , you can directly enter playback HDTV, EVD, HD-DVD, HD DVR , and other high -definition video signal. Í2, 2ÍN way ( ie 2Í adoption and use of a display unit configured Visionlink super signal processing board can be multi-channel RGB, video signals , in full-screen mode within a single screen or full screen display.
Mixed display various types of signal
Universal multi-screen processor capable of handling ultra-high resolution graphics computer network splicing signals,lcd module video signals and RGB signals and different types of cross-screen display signal superimposed display function, either way the signal window can be arbitrarily reduced, enlarged , cross-screen or full screen.

