TFT LCD Displays control means using the liquid crystal pixel TFT LCD screen, which is most commonly used in many LCD category. TFT LCD is indeed a component that is often said that the LCD components, mainly by the LCD panel, backlight, all film, the ranks of the drive circuit and the timing control circuit (often called logic board) components. Often said TFT LCD interface refers to the signal input output interface LCD module and motherboard (also known as signal processing board, or signal board) connected to that logic board. In the LCD TV or LCD color monitor, TFT-LCD interface has a TTL (RGB), LVDS, EDP, RSDS, TMDS and other types, of which the first three are used more.
Access to information mainly through display and interactive interface with the electronic technology and electronics integrated rapid development of LCD modules in the smart instrumentation to achieve a mix of graphics and text display, man-machine dialogue to achieve the on-screen menu operation thus graphic LCD module with its small size, low power consumption, the development cycle is short, safe, reliable, flexible, etc., in the smart meter has been more widely used.