
Color temperature adjustment can affect the color style

Color is the most common source spectral quality indicators , unit K ( Kelvin ) . In general , any light color temperature is equivalent to the above blackbody emit the same color as being "temperature ." Color is actually a psychological effect on the physical , all colors impression produced is due to intermittent spectral response in the eye , so the color temperature is only used to represent the color of the visual impression.

Everyone has a different color preferences , some people like gaudy colors, it was love pastel colors , different color styles , can be achieved by adjusting the color temperature , the higher the color temperature, the more bluish color , are cool colors .graphic lcd display module The lower the temperature, the reddish color , are warm . When we adjust the TV's color temperature can be determined according to individual preferences and the use of environmental lighting effects , so that the LCD TV color style in line with their preferences .

The impact of gaudy color screen chroma

Chroma also known as color saturation , hue determines the level of gaudy color LCD TV . Therefore , to get the screen LCD TV better performance , it is reasonable to adjust the color saturation is also very important.
In general , rich colors like style , color can increase some ; like pastel colors style , color can not be adjusted too raised . However, if the color saturation is too low , then the screen will lose color ; color saturation is too high , because the color too gaudy , but also can not normally watch .

Tone adjustable screen style

Hue is the basic tendency LCD TV screen color appearance . In lightness , purity, hue these three elements , certain factors play a leading role , we call it a certain hue. We usually tint on the screen can be defined from the hue, lightness , air purity in four areas .Serial Lcd Display Module Specific to LCD TVs , the different types of programs , such as nostalgic films, romance films, youth films, war films , each have a different color, a different director to shoot out of the film , but also have different tones. So , enjoy the movies at the time, according to different movie , adjust the tones in the menu , which makes the picture more realistic performance .

